Plino's changelog

Scroll down to discover the latest updates and changes in our product!


New features coming soon


Here are the upcoming features!

  • AI Engine Updates → Increased complexity of analysis; Implementation of a more deterministic framework for efficient, quick, and high-quality responses.

  • Integration with Tax Box → Plino will be easily usable with any company's data.

  • Dashboard Enhancements → New analysis tools, customizable parameters, and charts for faster and comprehensive analysis.

29 Apr 2024

Charts in the dashboard


We've integrated charts into Plino's Dashboard to enhance data visualization and analysis. Now, users can dynamically track key metrics like costs, revenues, customers, and suppliers, with the ability to visualize trends, proportions, and patterns over time. Charts offer a clear and intuitive way to consume complex data, facilitating faster insights and more informed decision-making for our users.

With charts, our users can now easily identify trends and patterns that are essential for effective strategy and sharing within the company. Additionally, charts serve as a starting point for deeper analysis, with users able to investigate further using the Plino chat.

15 Mar 2024

New interface


Plino's user interface has been redesigned to prioritize clarity and a streamlined user experience. Key changes include a blue background for improved readability, a reorganized chat layout, and a simplified sidebar menu. These updates enhance focus on data analysis and make essential features easier to navigate.

2 Apr 2024



We've introduced a new Dashboard to empower users with real-time business insights.
This feature addresses the fundamental need for a centralized and continuously updated view of key data and metrics (starting from products sold, costs, customers, suppliers). The Dashboard enables rapid performance monitoring and data-driven decision-making, and it was requested by most of our users and prospects.

18 Mar 2024

Answers explanation


Plino enhances transparency with a comprehensive explanation function. Users can access a breakdown of the data and reasoning behind each generated answer. This feature promotes confidence in Plino's analysis and aligns with user requests for visibility. In fact, transparency is fundamental for fostering trust in data-driven insights, encouraging broader adoption and reliance on Plino's capabilities.

4 Mar 2024

Automatic renaming of the chat


Plino automates chat organization with intelligent renaming. Upon the first analysis request, the Plino assigns a clear, descriptive title to the chat based on its content. This saves users time and makes it easier to locate and manage relevant analysis threads.

19 Feb 2024

Follow-up question suggestions


Plino guides users towards deeper analysis by suggesting relevant follow-up questions after each question. These tailored suggestions encourage further analysis and increased usage; additionally, by showing new questions, this features also subtly guides users in the understanding of Plino's capabilities.

5 Feb 2024

Tables in chat


Plino now displays analysis results in structured, easy-to-read tables directly within the chat interface. This format enhances data clarity and comparability, improving analysis speed and efficiency. Tables also make it easier to extract insights from data, with a faster decision-making.
Users can also easily download tables as Excel files for further manipulation or sharing.

15 Jan 2024

Mobile interface


Plino's new mobile interface extends data analysis beyond the desktop. Users now have on-the-go access to important business insights, empowering them to make informed decisions wherever they are. The familiar, message-like interface simplifies the process, making data analysis more convenient and accessible.

18 Dec 2023

Multilingual support


Plino eliminates language barriers with the addition of multilingual support. The software currently supports Italian and English, with users able to switch languages seamlessly.

4 Dec 2023

Chat renaming


Users gain greater control over their workspace with the ability to assign custom, descriptive names to their chats. This feature makes it easier to locate and revisit past analysis topics. By reducing the time spent searching for information, users can maintain focus on the core task of data analysis

20 Nov 2023

Fatture in Cloud Integration

Data integration

Plino's integration with Fatture in Cloud, Italy's leading invoice management system (500K companies using it), eliminates the need for manual data exports. Users can connect their accounts and begin analyzing financial data within seconds. This streamlined process saves time and reduces the potential for errors, compared to the manual uploading. After the first connection, data are synchronised and updated regularly and automatically.